Azzazin's Profile


Joined on Jan 7, 2014
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Azzazin's Recent Posts

  • Witty title
    "/me swags"
  • Witty title
    "Even as a fish I become a star"
  • Witty title
  • Witty title
    "Don't watch spongeboob so don't understand this many layered joke."
  • Witty title
    "wag Alas, what a common mistake that people make these days."
  • Witty title
  • Witty title
    "The Mechanical Contrivium: Swag dancing Ten Top Trivia Tips about Swag dancing! Julius Caesar wore a laurel wr"
  • Witty title
    "Swag dance was legal years before marijuana in Colorado."
  • "The cybercrime department has isps log everywhere someone visits. They automatically flag large downloads from certain sites. Dependi"
  • "Be sure ti check the laws first. Some illegal downloads are legal and some aren't. Know which is which."
  • Witty title
    "Attempt conversation quickly killed by swag dance."
  • Um...Alex...
    "I agree with that handsome devil too."
  • Witty title
    "Swag is a government conspiracy to get people off welfare."
  • Dark made tee shirts
  • Witty title
    "Badly constructed comeback."

Azzazin's Recent Quiz Comments
