awesome88's Profile

Joined on Jun 28, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
awesome88's Quizzes
- Do you know awesome88?[published: Jun 28, 2012, 2 comments]
Hello guys I made this quiz to see if you know me or not. That's cool if you do but if you ge 85-100……
awesome88's Recent Posts
"Idiots......Gtg...(walks out)"
"Fire, it's true...."
"Ali, just for your info, I've been going for yoga classes........I'm looking at things in a different perspective now."
"Why do I have to fake as someone????........ ARGHHHHHH..........It's fine, both of you dont have to believe me.....(sits and reads poems)"
"I don't care if you believe me or not Ali......"
"Oh, master.....My internet connection is slow today....Just saw your post..."
"It's ok if you don't believe me...... I have to take some time off as awesome89....."
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH........too hard to say......."
"I know, if I say it it'll break a person's heart....again......"
"(wants to say something but hides it)....."
"Oh, Ali.....nice picture...."
"ARRGHHHHHHHH..........YOU'RE SO SWEEEEEETTT......(kicks chair) can I ever do that to you? I'm a complete idiot...."
"After evrythinq I did to you?"
"Do you hate me?"
awesome88's Recent Quiz Comments
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