Avery's Profile

Joined on May 9, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Avery's Recent Posts
"Elacie: *back against a wall, holding her arms up* This is sad, dad. You know, you're really telling him to kill me? Do you understand what ..."
"Angel: *spins around* Oh...um. Hello?"
"Angel: Yeah. Try...*frowns, leaning closer to him.*"
"Angel: How does he even think I can be happy? Its impossible. I feel empty, Pitch. I can't forget him."
"Angel: That he wants me to forget about him...*hands Pitch the paper, covering her face with her hands* Dear Mom"
"Angel...I have Iann's letter for you. *holds out a folded paper* Angel: Oh, good...*takes the paper, slowly reading it* Oh, g"
"Yes. Should I allow her to read it?"
"Not really. I should learn to keep my mouth shut around her."
"Yeah. Angel: *turns around, hiding her head in Pitch's chest*"
"...*sits up* Well. Somebody had a little temper fit. Thats the first time in years you've really attacked someone. Damn you, Angel. * touche..."
"Yup. *frowns* Angel: You b------! Mind your own damned- *gets up, tackling Avery, eyes glowing red*"
"Angel: *lays her head back down on his shoulder, still crying* Hmp. Angel attempted suicide, and Harriett told on her. And no"
"Angel: P-pretty much. Problem? *frowns* ...Hello. Avery Clemming. *nods shortly*"
"Angel:N-nothing. *shoves her hands into Pitches pockets, hiding her wrist, and staying close to him*"
"*blinks* How so? Angel: *continues crying, leaning her head on his shoulder*"
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