Avarice's Profile

Joined on Jun 29, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Avarice's Recent Posts
"Full Name: Avarice Noel Taeryo Nicknames: Rissa, "Sloth" Birthday: September 2 Age: 22 Sign: Virgo Sex: Male"
"*growls, narrowing eyes and clutching Xorcru more tightly* Abso-f---ing-lutely not. You don't involve children in any danger"
"*groans loudly* Rithe: Show of hands. Dangerous plan? *Jegero, Rithe, Sehei, and both grubs raise hands*"
"*snorts at the word superior* Wow. Oh wow. Just let this one- *motions vaguely to Heima* -do "
"((I need to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow if I can. Farewell.))"
"Welp. *watches Artemis* Damn straight, you guess. *eats another cracker* *chokes because"
"Oh. How cute. Demons are cute. *blinks and coughs* I'm cute. But I can't change my age."
"*starts to speak* *huge puff of cracker crumbs flies all over the place from mouth* *stops, taking time to properly chew up an"
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