Australia's Profile

Joined on Nov 25, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Australia's Quizzes
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Australia's Recent Posts
"Awz, I ish sadened. And I just blocked my ex on fb, Ting, because he posted ew on my christmas pics. I WANT TO STRANGLE THAT b"
"Sigh, Australia's here... "
"I'm just shocked, i know I saw it last night..O.o' Is there an India?Idk, just wondered. (I bet this is the wrong acco"
"what do you want now Heph...damn girl I already gave you one! *glares*"
"Hello, i'm Australia, older Brother to the Principality of Wy.. Um, I guess nice to meet you? "
"*tries to imagine that* *can't* *shudders* "
"*sits on table drinking punch* I feel wierd, what did you do Heph? -_-''"
"What are you saying? -_-"
"*hands Heph pic* Best I could do..."
"Oh god, get off *shakes both off* -_-'"
"yesh...And hello emma! I am Australia!"
"hello, i am Australia!"
"oh, I've been eating..bye!"
"-_- I'm not even in Hetalia much..god. *shakes Heph off*"
"T.T *shakes Wy off*"
Australia's Recent Quiz Comments
"Al igual que este joven, todos los entendidos en el tema consultados por Los Andes destacaron que no hay una medida de seguridad…"