AubrieViolet's Profile

Joined on Jun 12, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
AubrieViolet's Quizzes
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AubrieViolet's Recent Posts
"Darn it! No more hot chocolate!*Calls hot chocolate lady*Cmon,cmon..."
"*Takes sip of hot chocolate with whip cream*"
"*Drinks soda*"
"0o0 VaMp hugged someone!!!!"
"*Stretches legs**Big scratch in knee starts to hurt*OW!"
"Im not sure. Alana and Charlie left,usually three or four people are on at this time."
"And I like how it's "Drums. A little guitar please",it was a nice way of starting a song."
"It's has good beat and lyrics."
"Im not sure. I think it's for Camp Rock 2.*Checks*Yep. It's the only,and I mean the ONLY Disney song I will ever like."
"Do you like the song I typed.(I didn't make it,I found it on youtube and it seemed like a good song)"
"Okay. Where's Alana?"
"Im one of those people."
AubrieViolet's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 44%."