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Joined on Mar 23, 2019
Status Level: Newbie
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Atlasgirl17's Recent Quiz Comments
"IM A VAMPIRE why would vampires kill me"
1 -
"29% im 13"
1 -
"You are 55% Goth. 55%
Partially. You're partially goth, not fully though.
55% goth
10% emo
22.5% demigod
100%…"1 -
"You are 10% weird! 10%
You're not weird at all! You absolutely normal! You do normal things. You are the one who tells people…"
1 -
"Your Result: Neo-Emo 82%
You probably listen to Panic at the Disco and Twenty One Pilots. You're not really emo. You just like to…"
1 -
"Your Result: A DOCTOR 89%
You are a doctor you will do enything to help some one in need and even if its for no money at all you…"
1 -
"You are0% girly! 0%
You are a tomboy and pround of it! You don't know how girly people stand the fancy junk, nail poish, and the…"
1 -
"There is 73% you two will get married. 73%
You two are good together. You Know each other, and judging by your also…"
1 -
"Your Result: you know him
100%He lives in the same community as you do and he act's like he doesnt like you but you like…"
1 -
"Your Result: LOVE YOU SO MUCH
100%Animals adore you. They will follow you around until you get mad at them. They Love you and…"