AthenasDaughter's Profile

Joined on May 7, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
AthenasDaughter's Quizzes
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AthenasDaughter's Recent Posts
"who happen to be zanes bestest friends :P your not fooling anyone."
"Jess just shut up! I know its you,ok. I know Izzy is one of the names you used on one of your sopa charcters."
"(gtg bye)"
"Yup,he really is xD Its ok,i saw your pic in a thread. you look very pretty btw :)"
"Wait. Is that umm...whats his name. Kusco as a ilama in your profile pic?"
" Og has an army of robots? o.O Maybe..."
"lol! love it xD"
"... That was just wierd you know..."
"Oh tiger,its ok *hugs her also* Its me,Silver. Iknow Kierra knows already though."
"You can call me by my real name Vira! i think you only did it for piy and forgiveness. good luck,you teard love apart *punches her down and ..."
"Wow Tony.. Just wow. You choose a girl who spammed you and stalked you over a girl who actually loves you."
"*hiding* *whispers* yes"
"OK. I want to be prepared."
AthenasDaughter's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: boy
you are a boy. am i right or am i right... wait, i wrong!! i knew it! the voices told me i would never make a…"
1 -
"O.O Im never cranky, you forgot that im smart,love to laugh,etc.........
ok maybe i am a bit cranky at times xD"