Assassin Touch's Profile

Assassin Touch
Joined on Jul 24, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Assassin Touch's Quizzes
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Assassin Touch's Recent Posts
"If you make another food account, I will murder you. YOU'RE MAKING EVERYONE HUNGRY AGAIN!"
"Todoroki my favorite"
"Awwwww. So cute. wuw"
"Good morning."
"Don't bother, I got it. *kills Adam* I liked it better when he died in Other M, anyway."
"Eat time!"
"Maybe they're ready to eat, now. That's all I'm waiting on. Prolly in a minute or two, literally."
"29. Assassin Touch--Assassins are another interest of mine. Whenever an assassin is involved on a show/story/game, I'm usually all for the c..."
"I need to update my alt thread."
"Come on, dude. I think you've got one more post to push to 100"
"Like, I'm lazy af. I don't feel motivated to go eat."
"It's about time for lunch. I shall eat that."
"umeansomuchtome ineedtostopmakingaltsbutit'smyhobbynow."
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