ash21's Profile

Joined on Nov 28, 2010
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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ash21's Recent Posts
"r u still there?"
"aww r u alright now. that must have been like agony and as soon as u get back that dude had to ruin it. that was very rude"
"hey death did u know julia wants to get with u and brooke still can't belive ur 12 XDXDXDXDXD LOL"
"call me izzy thats just my username. my other name was amber1492 but my file got hacked by this chick who hates my guts"
"hey is brooke/amywhite still on"
"if any of u see brooke a.k.a amywhite tell her to have scarlet call me but only tonight and that im pissed at scarlet"
"crap i need her right now"
"hey has anyone seen brooke a.k.a amywhite"
"whatever bye"
"i went on movie actress"
"it was the same but i had never gone on off beat"
"im not technicaly still a newbie someone hacked my account so i had to get a new one. ive been on her for 3 years"
"to late ur dead. rest in peace b----es"
"-rips everyones heart out and starts suckin there blood but has to stop cause it tastes sour and disgusting"
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