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Joined on Dec 12, 2018
Status Level: Newbie
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"And I just don't like him, I am like obsessed over him"
"I really like this guy, but he has a girlfriend already. And my friends want me to tell him that I like him, should I???????"
"When ever I try to search something it just brings me to a blank screen. :("
"I just have a question for you guys: I feel really weird around lisbian and gay people, is that normal?"
"It doesn't matter if you are Christian or not, if you enjoy it you should keep doing it. BTW, congrats 🎉 on winning"
"According to science, which is a lot more accurate, the Warth is 4.6 billion years old."
"I really like both of them; good details, and good job"
"I am reading the Wings of Fire; I am on the fourth book; Wings of Fire: The Dark Secret"
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