ArtsyZeWolfiee's Profile
Joined on Aug 26, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
ArtsyZeWolfiee's Quizzes
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ArtsyZeWolfiee's Recent Posts
"*whines sofly and licks your nose*"
"*whines again and gives a worried look while licking your hand*"
"*smile drops and nudges your hand gently and whining as if asking if something is wrong*"
"* gives a wolfy smile and attempts to hug back, failing and just puts a paw on your shoulder*"
"*leans against hand, liking the petting*"
"Hallo Freund"
"my electronics just hate me ;-;"
"my electronics just hate me ;-;"
"hallo omg my brother stole ze laptop from me. I managed to get my damn tablet to work"
"Hallo freund"
"Ooooo I vill~ veapons are niccee :D jou don't have to make me one Josh. I have to go to bed now. Talk to ya tomorrow?"
"Oooh can I have a blade! :D jk jk I just like weapons :P"
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