ArouraElf's Profile

Joined on Jul 18, 2011
Status Level: Novice
ArouraElf's Quizzes
- Are You Innocent or Evil?[published: Jul 19, 2011, 7 comments]
Many people wonder how innocent or evil they are, this quiz will tell them. I'm sorry it is so……
ArouraElf's Recent Posts
"Ya!! I have to go, Goodnight!!!!"
"We could make it a race, put some obstacles on it, video tape it, then send to to AFV or Tosh.O"
"Lol, I'd love to see that :D"
"Lol, what a name! Does she even like pie?"
"Lol, my best friends middle name is grace, and she is the clumsiest person I've ever met. It's fun watching her try to walk threw a room in ..."
"People are stupid sometimes. It sounds strong and pretty at the same time. I'm jealous :)"
"Oooooooh, I like her name :)"
"If I can say that, may I ask why? Or is this another question I'm latter going to regret?"
"I'm confused, why does everyone always say tingy? Is it Carri's nickname or something?"
"Oh, sorry! I was confused!"
"Me? The one under my name when I post"
"I'm excited!! I finally get to set a picture for my profile!!"
"No, I learned something today. I am trying at get better at internet posting. I am kinda young for the internet so it's good for me to learn..."
"Light headed???"
ArouraElf's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got Liberal. I feel it is a frivolous thing to put ourselves behind the names of political groups. No two people are going to have the…"
1 -
"Silver, then blonde. Very fitting, both. "
1 -
"Took this for my crush. He's kinda a jerk sometimes, because he doesn't understand girls. He scored ackward one, then player, then jerk.…"
1 -
"Water wolf, Darkness in a REALLY close second :)"
1 -
"I love your series! I bet it's Alex. And are you a fan of Tamora Pierce? "
1 -
"You got it right! Blue with gold in the center, from far away they look green. Most of my friends say greenish blue when I ask them "
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"'60's, Heehee"
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"I love it!! That is my favorite kind of dress!! Sadly I'm not actually getting married :("
1 -
"What kind of quiz is this? It was totally inaccurate!"
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"Cool!! I'm a strawberry!!"