ArchAngel217's Profile

Joined on Dec 20, 2022
Status Level: Novice
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ArchAngel217's Quizzes
- Did You Survive? (Alien Invasion)[published: Dec 21, 2022, 3 comments]
Aliens have invaded! Will you survive? Some of these questions will be silly but absolutely……
ArchAngel217's Recent Posts
"Hi! Pleased to meet you. How have you been?"
"How's mine?"
""Sure..." Timothy gave up. "All right. Great. So, not only have I been kidnapped, I have also been trafficked to an alien planet. Splendid. ..."
"(Yeah, go ahead, MT. I'm kinda short on time right now, but I'll send his characteristics ASAP.) "Ma'am, I'm speakin' my native"
"Hm. I agree with what you were saying about the Hao part -- that was kind of annoying to me. However, I think the reboot is much more true t..."
""Hey, lady, I never claimed to be smart," Timothy sat down -- somehow he had stood up again, the cause being beyond his knowledge."
""So, um. Yeah, I don't belong here." Timothy sat down and sighed."
"My heart is taken. Sorry..."
"(Hey! Sorry that I haven't been on I've been pretty busy.) "Ulysses..." Timothy stared into the distance. "Doesn't ring a bell.""
"Nice! I totally agree with you. I thought the 2001 version had too low-quality art."
"I’m not sure if any of y’all have read the manga shaman king, or watched either of the animes, but I wanted to start this discussion. There "
""Um. I'm from Earth," Timothy blanked. What was she talking about? He didn't understand at all."
"The second one. I used to get really tired from being with people, but now it became kind of the opposite. Being alone is pretty hard for me..."
"I'm an ENFP!! I used to be an INFP but then I became more of an extrovert."
""Um. There was this path and I took the North road? I was dropped off by a train... I have no idea where I am in relation to here. It's an i..."
ArchAngel217's Recent Quiz Comments
"What? This is, first of all, hypothetical, and if you pick the wrong things you have a higher chance of dying. Also, don't put your…"
In response to RobloxFan2017:
"how did i die i haven't even died in real life…"