aqua123's Profile
Joined on Jul 2, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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"Hug everybody because i like hugs [no urls]"
aqua123's Recent Quiz Comments
"ha ha this is laura scott! i got peter!!!!! AAAH IS THIS RIGGED?"
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"It's called a pitch pipe, not a ceremonial harmonica. Beca works at a radio station and her boss is Luke. The "black girl" is Cynthia…"
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"I got Ravenclaw, which kind of fits cuz I go to a school for gifted people, but... I'm that kind of person who's head smart but NOT sense…"
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"What does hair and eye color have to do with being stuck up? And just because you think that you're pretty doesn't always mean you're…"
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"Yeah! Cinderella!!!
That is soooo accurate I am the cinderella of my friend group!
"Cinderella - proof that a pair of shoes…"
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"thanx! would you want to read part 2???"
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"I really have to agree. It was pretty shallow. "
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"Sorry!!!! I'm working on part 4, I promise, but my internet was down for a month. it'll come out in a few days"
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"Okay, well, I got Skittles. Sorry, but that is nothing like me! Here's what it says my personality is:
Your candy result:…"
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"87% yay! that is SO accurate bcuz a couple of people at my school are like "eh" about me but the rest of them like me! yay! keep up the…"