AnUnknownChild's Profile

Joined on May 22, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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"Really? That's sounds so cool! *giggles*"
"*giggles and smiles at Hono* I'm sure you would be. :3"
"*walks over and shakes finger cutely* Ah ah ah, Mr. Ling. You shouldn't say bad words."
"Oh, okay! ^^ I'm Pandora, but many call me Panda. Nice to meet you! ^-^"
"....Will anyone play dollies with me? :3"
"Oh, what world? :3 *sees Hono and waves* Hi..."
"*smiles and waves* Hi!"
"What do those words say, miss?"
"*walks in curiously*"
"Oh. *smile returns* Then I want to be one that doesn't! ^^"
"Ana says you're awesome for listening to Bauhaus. :3"
"I'm scared... *looks down at ankle* Do these things usually hurt people?"
"*smiles brightly* Nice to meet you Shiro! *runs over to sit by her happily*"
"Mommy told me I'm one of those things."
"*looks ups and smiles and waves* Hi. So...somebody turned me into that thing my mommy called me?"
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