AnotherVoid's Profile
Joined on Apr 28, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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AnotherVoid's Recent Posts
"You don't need to apologize."
"Okay, I did. But why would you make such a pointless poll?"
"I like your profile picture."
"Anybody around?"
"I'm kinda a huge geek and I spent all of today playing D&D with some weird kids from the gaming club and I've never played it before and..."
"Don't really have a plot, so I'm open to suggestions."
"I'm back now, however."
"I suspect I will. I asked you a simple question, sir or ma'am."
"Aboard? That's an interesting way of saying hello.. I like it."
"That's interesting. You've been here for longer than I have, though. May I ask why exactly you assume that?"
"That's alright. I don't need you to believe that I'm new. I am, though, but your personal assumptions make no difference to me."
"As stated before, I'm Jackson. Nice to meet you, though."
"I've watched for a little now, done my reading. I assume the "forum rules" aren't followed in the least? But the mods are supposedly to keep..."
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