AnonyaMouse's Profile

Joined on Feb 25, 2017
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
AnonyaMouse's Quizzes
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AnonyaMouse's Recent Posts
"is.. *identity loading*"
"should i just reveal my identity or leave you wondering about my conceptive veil of mistakes?"
"*metaphorical mistakes make up my concept, and I am but a concept of mistaken mistakes to make up my veil of conceptive mistakes"
"oh so soon have we given up our veils so easily. I'm still here if anyone would take a metamorphical crack at guessing who I am."
"Lemony of the most prestigious butt of butts, may i ask if you are katqueen?"
"but only my pain maybe if i give more hints more of these tiresome ethnics to my true purpose can be revealed Hint: like "
"it's so hilarious how downgraded you are of me like pain, that is hilarious as well"
"is dark a guess or a personality? i guess you could say im just a concept of once was. But alas no im afraid it would be such a waste "
"another good try, friend. maybe in another world, where we face each other with uncovered faces, i will still be covered. in a "
"Oh how good a partake of your most desired wishes, Mirror, but im afraid it'll be much more complicated than that. My ties are wound, "
"Fancyseeingyou: some moderater, changing forms ever so slightly as if to change your foulest ways of doubt yet covered by a veil of serendip..."
"the wind is howling in my ear, i think maybe that's why they can't hear me scream but screaming is all they want to hear sorry,"
"I guess I could gorge in this ceremony of beneficial illusionary taunts of helpful useless forgery hint: Someone you could neve"
"i could hint for ages and yet for ages hinting i could never do"
"Just another visual concept of thought, thought to be a concept of visual faults"
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