Annoying Dog's Profile


Annoying Dog
Joined on Apr 24, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Annoying Dog's Quizzes

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Annoying Dog's Recent Posts

  • "The annoying white dog runs away with your head*"
  • Bork Bork!
    "Knaws at your ankle*"
  • Yo!
    "Are you heart kins that's who I called an attention whore:) that may have been taking it to far but you two were being incredibly rude and b..."
  • "Bork Bork * the little white dog steals your phone and swallows it* ( Yeah I'm not friends with the copy I just hate you, stop b----"
  • "Bork bork* Knaws at your bones*"
  • Yo!
    "Oink this song cyber bullying a s you're doing the same to us so please stop) The annoying dog tears up before Bitting it's tail*"
  • Bork Bork!
    "( I don't think anyone has this Undetale roleplay account just yet do they?) Bork Bork * a small white dog stares at you as you ente"

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