AnNa Xxx's Profile
AnNa Xxx
Joined on Dec 16, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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AnNa Xxx's Recent Posts
"How do they treat other's..?"
"@skatterbrain Oh wow. That's not at all surprising. What do they normally do, look down on you?"
"@skatterbrain Like mean people? Or just snobby people? Yeah, I come across a lot of those."
"@skatterbrain What? On here? Really? I HATE bullies.."
"@skatterbrain Yeh.. O.o Cya Kish."
"Oh, that's it! My Internet is such a fail and I take atleast five hours to post!"
"Hey Kish :) Naw, Some Americans I know tease me about it.. :L Eh. I hope you aren't a bully.. :) Anyway, thanks! Hope I see yo"
":) Hehe..."
"Crap, I stink at being fast... Yeh, it does stink ;)"
"WASITACARORACATISAW ;D Read it frontwards then backwards..."
"^-^ Naw.."
"Nothing much... Accept for my poor Internet connection -.- ;)"
"Hi :)"
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