Anime_heart's Profile
Joined on Jan 18, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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9-Year Club
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Anime_heart's Recent Posts
"Are they in the same class?) Alix sighed again wen the teacher scowled at the other students"
"Meko: * races to a campground *"
"Alix rolled her eyes at the people"
"The teacher wasn't in the room for a minute and everyone acts crazy then wen they enter it like nothing happened..."
"Meko: *sniffs at with hair in face. Smirks*"
"Memo : *sighs then sits on a rock*"
"Alix sat down in math class"
"Alix closed her locker then headed to first period."
"Why?! *cries...*"
"Alix put in. Her combination then grabbed her books"
"Alix noticed a boy limping. Sge watched him go to his locker as he passed her. She gave out an uneasy look then continued to her own locker"
"Just gonna use this account for a while lol) Alix smiled at the people walking by her. She looked up at the ceiling then back"
"OK I'll be C1 then I'll make my character in a bit"
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