AndTheyBecomeRei's Profile
Joined on Dec 29, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
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10-Year Club
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AndTheyBecomeRei's Recent Posts
"*frowns* I didn't expect to be forgiven immediately, but that hurt. I'm your friend."
"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused in the past."
"I've not killed for years, I can do thhis month to probe myself."
"How do I prove it? I want to prove myself to you."
"I know that. Queeny, it's been years, I have no desire to kill. I'm not a beast."
"You'll have to trust me, you have my word."
"I threw my weapons away, kinda lost all my power. And my muscles have atrophied. I'm not capable of killing, Your Majesty."
"Sadly, I think they're hurt too. I'm done killing, Heph. I've learned."
"An old friend regains his vision amd you say its bad news? I'm hurt Queeny. *frowns*"
"Sadly my f---ing arm never grew back. Thanks fleabag b----, glad I never have to see you again."
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