Ambrose's Profile

Joined on Feb 28, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Ambrose's Quizzes
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Ambrose's Recent Posts
"Lyle : opens mouths*"
"( ;-; I'm not a loser I'm just a thirteen year old male!) Lyle : can I have some ice cream?* puppy dog eyes because yes*"
"(' Mettaon can taste things " I bet he can is my perverted minds response ) I'm not fun I'm practical which keeps Lyle from "
"If we were on YouTube because his video stopped working and my five year old cousin said " I'm not on YouTube but I'm on drugs!" My whole ho..."
"Makes knife exist again* for a child to have a weapon taht is made for violence is for a child to lack knowledge leaves*)"
"I'm a robot we don't have taste receptors * rolls his eyes* Lyle : You forgot that you were an alien robot."
"To have everything is to have nothing - Ambrose to Character)"
"Glares* Lyle: giggles"
"That's Physicahly impossible!!!)( then you are the godess of nothing )"
"Ambrose hesitantley approaches* Lyle : hugs Kyruri more"
"I do not know what that is. Lyle : Just taken that as a yes."
"No he should follow his god father the God of the moon and nature and earth and music and sex ( ignor ethe last one )"
"Use jam."
"Lyle : giggles* is totally not getting a kick out of the fact that Ambrose is clearly jealous*"
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