Ambertail's Profile
Joined on Feb 28, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Ambertail's Quizzes
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Ambertail's Recent Posts
"Great! I'll make my other cat later I need to go"
"Ok maybe"
"Its not really a roleplay because it is my official thread 2"
"Sphinx: idk kind of"
"O1: sorry then you can't join"
"Ok thats good! We need 3 more people"
"Name: Featherwind Gender: she-cat Clan: NightClan Rank: Warrior Looks: Dark grey fur with black fur patches on h"
"Late post O1: um do you know warrior cats, if yes then you can join, if you dont know them then you can't join"
"Your welcome!"
"Idk I guess it kinda is a bit different...? Name: Ambertail Age :(moons)22 Rank: Deputy Clan: ForestClan"
"I was talking to shadowtail :/"
"Idk um jayfeather you can be med cat ok and shadowtail you can be leader."
"It's great Shadotail!"
"Yes sure,just make description."
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