AmberRoseMI's Profile
Joined on Jan 10, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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AmberRoseMI's Recent Quiz Comments
"With my bare hands! LOL! The only way! You can't control poison. That's why it's bad."
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"Authoritarian! Lol."
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"I got 51% Yay! Lol."
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"This quiz is pretty good. It said I'm a Conservative, with Libertarian as the runner up. It's funny, on the less well thought out quiz I…"
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"I got baptist, with mennonite/amish/ana baptist as the runner up lol. And I agree with Nazianzus, I believe the same thing."
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"Yay Michigan and Michigan People! I got 91% lol."
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"I got Envy. With Wrath as the runner up lol."
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"Meat head, sports obsessed heavy partying white guy? I chose answers that were the opposite of my results. I said average body type, not…"