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Joined on Apr 8, 2012
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"No. Physical possessions don't have any real value to this."
"He makes you think of Truth? That's because he is Truth."
"Hm...You're pretty smart for a human. Oh well. You know how to contact me if you want your 'wish'."
"That's not an answer."
"What's wrong with me?"
"Oh it's you."
"You have no wish? That's peculiar. Every human longs for something."
"Of course. It's only natural I would. What is it you wish for, human?"
"Alchemy: the science of understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down, then reconstructing it as something else. It can even make ..."
"I'd bet you would. I know. I meant other threads. Sorry, should've been clearer. ..I don't understan"
"Then why complain if you know no one can help you? What's the point? Forgive me, I'm just an idea, so I don't understand what people "
"Alright, you don't have to believe me. I'm just being hypothetical, anyway. None of you as far as I know can use alchemy, so I don't have to..."
"That's something I don't think I could fix, Tori. Touching, Kitty."
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