Alllibaba20005's Profile

Joined on Jun 2, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Alllibaba20005's Recent Quiz Comments
"They just so that to nu never ro you brother butik sad and your min and brother done that spanking bed time like 4000 Times every…"
1 -
"Why they even done this things so terriblw punishment to you just bc you slipper 1 period in school you get that much punished and…"
In response to Poor Kid:
"They took me and tied me up to a pole so that…"
1 -
"Its not legally to do that was that teacheror mom that forced ypi to it whatever you should report thar and its not okay thst that…"
In response to Poor Kid:
"They took me and tied me up to a pole so that…"
1 -
"Did you and your friends continue the quix so they also got wedgie and was it on yt or insta he posten it did he deleted it after? How…"
In response to Aittam:
"I was with three my friends and my older brother…"