Alien1234's Profile
Joined on Dec 13, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Alien1234's Recent Quiz Comments
"Middle school will probably be the hardest years of your life. As daughter of Apollo said, hormones are changing, and well, its a new…"
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"Raven claw one... It guesses all my answers... That's weird dude, weird. Also, avengers all the way."
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"Guardian of gahoole fan! High five!"
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"Cool quiz! Acornkit... Fits."
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"Billy Bob? (=-("
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"4-6... Hmmm... is this part of my strategy? maybe... maybe... *Walks off mysteriously. "
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"I got fawnkit! loved it! Make another!"
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"Cant wait for version two!"