AliceStacia's Profile

Joined on Sep 10, 2011
Status Level: Novice
AliceStacia's Quizzes
- How much do you know about the vampire diaries?[published: Oct 20, 2011, 1 comment]
I love this show. I made this quiz to see if there is anyone out there that does……
- Mystery/Unearthly love part 2[published: Oct 04, 2011, 10 comments]
Here is the sequal to Mystery love. Find out what happenings to your love with the boy you got……
- Mystery Love part1[published: Oct 04, 2011, 9 comments]
This quiz is to introduce the boys of my new seris. My seris will be out by 10/5/11. The name is Unearthly……
- Hogwarts Love [year1][published: Sep 10, 2011, 5 comments]
For girls only!!! I was bored of doing the other Hogwarts quizzes so I decided to make my own. I hope you……
AliceStacia's Recent Posts
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AliceStacia's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your quiz is the bomb. I hope you coninue because its one of a kind. DIE ZOMBIES+LOVE;)"
1 -
"I love your serises you make me more intersed in this web site. Your the reason i still go on. 8X :p"
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"I will it kind of more a trailer"
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"I will it kind of more a trailer"
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"This seris will be Called Unearthly Love. Please tell me who you got."
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"I mean 1 or 3 ?"
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"Wheres part 1or2?"
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"I think you should put a girl in named Vanessa Haas. She has short red pixe like hair, blue eyes. She is a shapesifter and can turn into…"
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"Gooooooood quiz"
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"Please make part 5 i love this series and micheal."