Alexander_'s Profile
Joined on Sep 22, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Alexander_'s Recent Posts
"SG: that is perfectly fine dear. Care: i don't like too force people to be a certain charater."
"i know but thats basically what this is."
"SG: Well you should its fun. You can be someone else for a change. Still you... but someone different to. I like to soap."
"okay, thanks care. Who would you like to be?"
"i think i got it. Were all supposed to be robots like in the game and we all have a weird way we died and now our spirits have taken the for..."
"We need a mom and dad and a brother and sister and were all wolves. But we shapeshift from human to wolf. I am a stereotypical teenager who ..."
"not really, but im sure i could learn right?"
"My names alexander and im 15 but i really act 10. I am a girl with a guy name but thats how i wanted it. By any chance do any of you want to..."
"can i join? im new and i just want to be a part of something..."
"i like that. im gonna be a small child."
"idc but i want lots of people tho.. i like it when theres lots of characters."
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