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Joined on Feb 20, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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14-Year Club
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"12%, as a democratic socialist I proudly agree"
1 -
"77% lib"
1 -
"Your Result: Liberal (90%)
Your political and policy decisions are influenced by the principles of liberty, equality, peace and…"
1 -
"0%. I'm no Marxist-Leninist and I f hate Chávez. I'm just a social democrat "
1 -
"13%. Marxist? Hey I hate that guy"
1 -
"And fascism is third-positionist and co-operativist (i.e. ultra-syndicalist)"
0 -
"Your Result: Social Democrat (79%)
This quiz has defined you as a Social Democrat (you may or may not be a Democratic Socialist as…"