Alchamey's Profile

Joined on Nov 1, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Alchamey's Recent Posts
"Art senpai is scared."
"/hugs :I I also emailed you again a few minutes ago."
"I'm sorry, Paige."
"That's true. Am I a guy or a girl? Well, obviously, I want to be seen as both, I guess?"
"Now please. This is my mistake."
"Go talk it out."
"bruh you're so lucky I'm surprised that I survived my first quarter of 8th grade with 3 A's, 2 C's and 1 B"
"Okay, times up. Your punishment is over. ^-^ PAIGEY /hug tackles"
"hypertonic solute?"
"uhhhh you can stay in your room >:I /hands on hips"
"No. >:I Why would I do that? That's ridiculous."
"I hate to say it, but you're getting your very first punishment from mommy."
"I DON'T MARRY STRANGERS I'M SORRY. You know what? This is what I meant. The email you just got, yeah, please take it "
"Oh god, shut up please."
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