AisteTheMermaid's Profile

Joined on Dec 22, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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AisteTheMermaid's Quizzes

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AisteTheMermaid's Recent Posts

  • Wolf pack RP
    "I'm just going to start) Oceana walked aimlessly around the forest in the rain. Her coat was soaked and she was freezing. She closed h"
  • Hi!
    "I am not?"
  • Hi!
    "I need to learn to read that stuff "
  • Wolf Pack Roplay
    "Name: Oceana Gender: female Pelt colour: silver Eye colour: blue Rank: rlly low Mate: rlly wants one kinda d"
  • Wolf Pack Roplay
    "Can I join)"
  • Hi!
    "I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not "
  • Wolf pack RP
    "Thanks for joining. I had to make a new account because I forgot my password and gtq won't send me an email which is annoying"
  • Hi!
    "Ugh, GTQ won't send me an email. I forgot my password so I had to make a new account."
  • "Guys it's me. I'm not a double, I forgot my password and gtq wont send me an email. Rlly annoyed right now"

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