Aima's Profile

Joined on Apr 2, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
Aima's Quizzes
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Aima's Recent Quiz Comments
"I saw a lot of people complaining that there was no brown hair, but they all saw brunette. Brunette means brown hair. Well, it's…"
1 -
"There was brown hair! Brunette means brown hair!"
In response to alegnageno:
"There was no brown hair...was there? Cause ive…"
1 -
"Don't listen to the stupid quiz, they didn't even see your face yet!"
In response to Phoebe:
"You might be31% good looking
You are ugly…"
1 -
"That is more than good!"
In response to Foxy:
"I got 95% I don't know if that is good."