AIex3000_'s Profile

Joined on Aug 11, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
AIex3000_'s Quizzes
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AIex3000_'s Recent Posts
"Oh Savannah"
"Because I am .-."
"Well we're happy now to have more moderator applications. So away you go!"
"[no urls]"
"[no urls]"
"I will kill your post time Sphinx, just as I have before."
"You want me to mark yours with my expert account? I will kill your post time."
"It's true. I have many higher status accounts including an expert so I know."
"no it's not"
"Pretend to be me and talk about space and textures and stuff hAHAHA .-. and spammmmmmmmmm"
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