Abigail Memory's Profile
Abigail Memory
Joined on Dec 9, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Abigail Memory's Recent Posts
"I did not know that. That is.. Quite fascinating."
"Like what? Yes.."
"Oh. That doesn't sound very pleasant."
"Goodbye, Envoy. What happened to your earbuds, breadboy?"
"But we aren't her. We're our own people. And we're going to have a damn conversation... As soon as we get people to talk to us, anyway."
"I'm not a dork. I'm Abigail. Abigail Memory? Pretty sure you can tell by my name. We are not the short admin."
"Who's a "dork"?"
Abigail Memory's Recent Quiz Comments
"It's true love, apparently. ouo"