abbydawn44's Profile

Joined on Mar 15, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
abbydawn44's Quizzes
- If I Stay Part 1[published: Mar 12, 2012]
What websites do you use to download custom content? I use many websites which include: modthesims2……
abbydawn44's Recent Posts
"sstfu anastasia was i tlkn 2 u no. go tlk 2 smbody else. btw go flrt with that other girl i 4got her name, i was trying to stic up 4 ppl cuz..."
"u kno u cud stfu! stupid moyashi! FUUU u"
"o gess i cant do nethin rite can i??!!"
"u kno... im betta than her"
"go 4 her... thats my advicce boii.. every gurl loves wen a boi duz that. Dont have any1 do it 4 u. Gurlz hate that."
"u kno if u need a frend ill be here"
"listen kool.. im 12 and I think im in"
"o ummm.... hey, u look lonely."
"kkz srry, but those names were in my quiz and in thhose vids, so i got excited that maybe sum 1 else watched her vidz... srry :'("
"PROLOUGE: (Ill be amy) Amy loves Michael, but so does her bff Sammi, and Mark likes Amy."
"howd u make them up? Either u got htem from my quiz, cuz those names r there... or u got them from sims vids by thehontry1"
"whered u get the names leah and bryce??????"
"I dont think bout it alot... buut i guees i lllike it 2"
abbydawn44's Recent Quiz Comments
"49% epic watev"
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"eeew wtf.. i ant datin no frickin creepa bbeich.. god damn"
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"im tryin to be as nice as I can bout this, but, u dnt kno.. I got Nobody likes you, and hell no. I bet i got more friends than u. Listen,…"
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"umm yah I got Yes. i THINK HE DOES LIKE Me. Hes mean to me wen hes around his friends, but nice and sweet to me if were alone..."
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"Wow... I feel u... I know how u felle, cuz that happens to me. Advice? You dont need anybody to make you happy. All you need is someone or…"