AARB2009's Profile

Joined on Apr 24, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
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AARB2009's Recent Quiz Comments
"Got gryffindor, cool! Not really a harry potter fan but i think i fit in that house."
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"87% Nice, thats decent, that puts some hope in me. Im still hella scared of those titans, after seeing one in real life ill problably…"
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"Siiick! I got Eren. The top two I was praying to get was Eren and Armin"
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"got 61%. Makes sense because I do really like video games, but they dont rule my life. I hope Im not sounding like my mom."
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"got a %70. I used to play this game when I was young, very good memories, I never got to play it again though."
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"Link, cool"
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"Im sheikah. This quiz pretty much summed my personality up, and now my new favourite race in Zelda is the sheikah."
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"I got Link! What a coincidence, hes my favoorite nintendo character."