_Sakura's Profile


Joined on Feb 3, 2014
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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_Sakura's Quizzes

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_Sakura's Recent Posts

  • H-hi
    "Good. If you ever get it taken again, I can help you find it. *smiles* How have you been doing?"
  • H-hi
    "(Sorry for the long response time.) Nothing really. I just wanted to say hi. Have you held onto your fishing rod since I last"
  • H-hi
    "Yeah! I wanted to talk with you! It's Sakura!"
  • Fine
    "Alright! :3"
  • Fine
    "Oooh~ Can I talk to Osiris? Luna: Sorry if I stopped responding earlier, Heph."
  • OC Meeting thing.
    "Um... How about... 13."
  • Just an update
    "*That's from Luna..."
  • Just an update
    "Oh... I don't really know what to say to this. It's probably because my brain is being flooded with tears. Please don't, Lucky... ;~;"
  • Roboticlus Prime~
    "Yuki quickly discovered that she could control an breathe in water. She stood by a lake and practiced levitating the water. The water, for t..."
    "I don't know... I rather Mine die then Schere... But that didn't happen... It's a personal opinion *about to cry face*"
  • Soap anyone?
    "I finally got on! The server is Deepwood.)"
  • "Nepgear nodded, finally accepting what was happening. "Y-yes. I have to help Neptune!" She paused a moment before adding, "who are you guys...."
  • Grr...
    "Are you lost, Mr. Wolf? Luna: *has given up on reasoning* *watches*"
  • "Sugoi... O_O"
  • I shouldn't do this!
    "Aiora: Do what? Corina: *standing behind Aiora*"

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