_Baymax_'s Profile

Joined on Apr 11, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
_Baymax_'s Quizzes
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_Baymax_'s Recent Posts
"Baymax Big hero 6"
"Baymax. Big hero 6"
"This account has been created by me."
"I love everyone so yes, i love you."
"What is dating? I do not recall that term in my data. Do you mean putting a certain being on your schedule?"
"Hello Hiro. I am sorry if i have not been on in a while. How are you on a scale of 1-10?"
"(Why do you aquire our main accounts, Zilla?"
"Indeed. Let us do this. -Exclaims happily-"
"You are also the best too, Honey Lemon."
"Thank you. You are the best as well, Hiro. -Walks over to exploaded computer-"
"If it will help, i can help you make a new computer. Do not worry. All of your media from the previous computer has been downloaded to my da..."
"-Nods- Alright, then."
"How are you feeling? The computer has exploded... are you hurt?"
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