_1714_'s Profile

Joined on Jun 28, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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_1714_'s Recent Posts
"When you aren't a real artist. I'm sorry for the false information :c"
"I am the creator of this site."
"1417, you must be banned as well for saying false things about the mods."
"Look at how you treat your best friends."
"The mods never do anything wrong. Once you leave everything will go back to normal. I will not listen to any common sense begone. It's time ..."
"Hey, to all the users...it was just a prank bro. I am still the God of GTQ. You are very clever 1714. Now I think it's "
"The top is good. But the rest sorta... burnt. I got off track :c"
"You need to stop, where are your parents? It's time to stop."
"Oh wow"
"I bet you are Misty lol"
"What even. I am not Misty."
"Nope, I wouldn't want to give away who I am."
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