911Police's Profile

Joined on Mar 16, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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911Police's Recent Posts
"Let me help you with anything that you’re having a hard time or whatever issues you are facing."
"Takes one of your kids and into my chambers of secrets"
"That some people on here don’t like your truth and dares. One of them going into other threads and posting bc of a dare"
"The winner: IS NO ONE The loser: everyone Say: something in this thread And you could win $10 No one"
"The loser will have to pay the winner"
"The winner will be revealed in 10 minutes"
"*gives all my knives to you all* Grab’em while they’re hot"
"Sometimes the police think they are above the law and so they will make their kids think that too"
"Now that we agree that it’s PG13. PG meaning parental guidance. Do you think your parents/guardian looks at your history and "
"What if you showed your guardian these posts in this thread? Showing them that may see what you may have gone through or will. "
"If you love them set them free, if they comeback, it means nobody likes them. Set them free again"
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