45414800's Profile
Joined on Mar 29, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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45414800's Recent Posts
"But hey! You hate me too right! also I will only stop under two circumstances. A, you give the account over "
"Don't play dumb"
"I can keep this up for the next three hours though."
"Emotiotional, emo, slutty, trash heap"
"You are such a cliche mainstream freak, fnaf is so droll"
"You can't take a bit of honest criticism and hate! I should start putting shallow on all of them."
"You hypocritical..ll"
"You trying to justify you idiocy? You won't rebuke it will you! Probably because it's true It's nonsense car"
"It confounds me how you seem so smart and them put of a username like care bear. that makes you look so freakishly dumb"
"Damm, I forgot to put stupid and idiotic on there"
"I love how you only post for the people you care about"
"You are immature and compulsive! 99.9% of the time your should just shut up"
"you are very dumb and intolerable"
"You are arrogant and consented, you do stuff because you think it is funny but it actually isn't and it makes you look dumb and immature"
"You are a hater and shallow, you run away from your problems and are numb"
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