420 purge it's Profile

420 purge it
Joined on Oct 15, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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420 purge it's Recent Posts
"Corpse PRIDE"
"Did I miss "People on GTQ are a waste of crap 1"?"
"Most other sites have active forum staff (volunteer of course) and not filled with trolls and users with malicious intent. Also the current ..."
"GMail shall fall"
"^He has the boxers around his ankles and is wanking into the socks. Boxers and DIY dyed t-shirt."
"You stole that off another website and you likely never saw the film 2012."
"This is falling skies all over again. Prepare for the alien invasion!"
"I am not geek."
"As stated before, I am not geek. Neither did I return any accounts."
"How's life?"
"If you must."
"I am not e, I am the ex esel zerstorer."
"Lower class scum."
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