3mm4's Profile

Joined on Oct 15, 2011
Status Level: Novice
3mm4's Quizzes
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3mm4's Recent Posts
"Who is the GTQ guy? I'm new so I probably need to know. And why do you worship him? :)"
"Nooooooooooooooooooooo! It doesn't work..... I feel like such a noob now xD"
"lol sorry, I posted the url by mistake :P Here it is I hope: [url=[no urls]]The best (EVER) Harry Potter poll![/url]"
"Seeing as this is a Harry Potter thread, I have a Harry Potter poll for you to try (you: how original... me: :P): [no urls] "
"And Twilight doesn't suck, it's just moderately less-worthy than Harry Potter..........."
"Draco Malfoy!!!! :)))"
3mm4's Recent Quiz Comments
"RE: what state are you in?
What if I don't live in the US? Or even live in a country that doesn't have states? I'm from New…"
1 -
"@AiFiahK3mE ~ OMG That's epic! Freaky much :D
@Hogwarts Love ~ Thanks so much!!!! :)"1 -
"Yay I got 100%!!! :D Cool quiz! xxoo"
1 -
"@natuhleegayle and angelic4 ~ Thanks so much guys!!! Your feedback is excellent!
Every one ~ Who would you like to see more of?…"
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"@Jayla ~ Oh yeah, first comment! xD Part three will be out in a week at the very most but probably in a few days. Thanks so much for…"
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"Thanks so much for your amazing feedback guys! Part two is out now and number three is on the way :D
@AiFiahK3mE ~ I still have no…"
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"Thanks so much natuhleegayle and zomgirl for your amazingly terrific feedback!!! True Hogwarts Love Pt 2 will be out in a few days and…"
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"Why is Cedric not one of the options at the end? *pouts* ;(
But OMG I love your quizzes and I can't wait until the next one!…"
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"Haha great quiz! I got Britney Spears. The funny thing is that that I actually did shave my hair off... But not because I'm crazy; I did it…"
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"Great quiz!!! One problemo though: Your questions directly relate to the characters and not to a regular life. I don't have wings and I…"