1MILEY CYRUS's Profile
Joined on Mar 6, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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1MILEY CYRUS's Recent Posts
"*dances some more*"
"No I wear stuff that she would wear not what she had own."
"Sim who are you slapping?"
"Its fun being crazy like her."
"*stares at icee chill* What?"
"Yea I have been hugged by her. I have my hair cut like hers. I wear clothes like she wears."
"Well like I said its the miley haircut so ok."
"*licks you* werid is the new cool for me."
"Should I wear my hair spiked or combed over tomorrow?"
"Well some people are not."
"@sim well this website sucks for one."
"Who the f--- is that?"
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