123lpsluv's Profile
Joined on Feb 16, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
123lpsluv's Quizzes
- which littest pet shop are you?[published: Feb 16, 2015]
this quiz is about littlest pet shop are you a true collector? then take this quiz and find out……
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123lpsluv's Recent Quiz Comments
"The second biggest cat. Definitely one of the cutest cubs around you are very cute but hard to find, because you blend into the background,…"
1 -
"You are a fun and flirty person. You like people and want to be out there in it all. You are brave but approachable. Everyone loves you.…"
1 -
"im a vampire yup sounds like me strangly I like blood >:)"
1 -
"Manic Depressive do I have a mental disorder? I just did this quiz for fun! :( now im sad"