1049371's Profile

Joined on Nov 15, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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1049371's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got animus and hybrid and my hybrid oc is nightwing-sandwing and I will name myself shadow sand shadow for short"
In response to Snow132:
"I got a hybrid!!!"
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"well I will stop you I am a animas and hybrid hahahaha"
In response to Icedabest:
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"yay good job I got animus and hybrid I WOULD LOVE TO KILL MY QUEEN HAHAHAHAHA"
In response to Taro10Wolf:
"Wow, I got a ToP (talons of peace) I reaaaaally…"
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"it wont let me share the link"
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"I got animus and hybrid search this link to know how I want to look like"
In response to Whitout:
"I got anime!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!"
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"I got hybrid and animus what will I do with my POWER?"
In response to Dracon:
"I got princess and i'm honestly surprised.I…"
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"NO I hate him to HE IS DARKSTALKER BY THE WAY!!!!!! :-(
but I got Animus and hybrid MY hybrid is a sandwing-night wing"
In response to EchoSong:
"i got hybrid, my main oc is a night/rainwing…"
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"I got animus and hybrid But yay good job"
In response to snowythenightice:
"i got hybrid yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
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"wow you got hybrid thats cool me to I got animus and hybrid yay (and the hybrid I want to be is A sandwing-night wing"
In response to Nightwave:
"I got a hybrid! YES! I would be a Seawing…"
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"I got Hybrid and animus"