Popular opinions

Hello! This quiz is to see if you agree with popular opinions on my polls. There will be much more polls to come, and please put poll ideas in the comments.

The polls so far are: “Which is your favorite Heroes of Olympus or Percy Jackson and the Olympians book?” and “What fandom is your OC from?” Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Melonie1
  1. #1: Which is your favorite Heroes of Olympus or Percy Jackson and the Olympians book?
  2. Most popular: The Last Olympian
  3. Most popular: The House of Hades
  4. Most popular: The Lost Hero
  5. #2: What fandom is your OC from?
  6. Most popular: Kotlc (is your OC from this fandom?)
  7. Most popular: PJO (is your OC from this fandom?)
  8. Most popular: The Hunger Games (Is your OC from this fandom?)
  9. Bye!
  10. More questions soon!

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