How Well Do You Know Percy Jackson And The Olympians

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Hey everyone! Do you think your worthy of being in the Percy Jackson Fandom? Well you can find out here! If you pass, your an official member of the PJO fandom!

This is my first quiz, so if it's terrible, please don't hate me. You can let me know if you like it or not in the comments! Thanks for taking the PJO quiz!

Created by: Karalina Hastings
  1. Let's start easy: What is Percy Jackson's favorite color?
  2. What month was Percy Jackson born in?
  3. Slightly harder now: What two Olympian gods (or goddesses) are twins?
  4. What type of Greek monster is Percy Jackson's half brother?
  5. In what book do Annabeth and Percy have their first kiss?
  6. In what book do Annabeth and Percy officially start dating?
  7. Which camper from the Hermes cabin sides with Kronos?
  8. Is Kronos's war the first, second, or third titan war?
  9. Who are the big three?
  10. Which two gods out of the big three broke their oath not to have kids?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Percy Jackson And The Olympians

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